Ora is dedicated to revolutionizing perceptions of the floral world, crafting pieces that elevate the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Our e-commerce platform aims to encapsulate the essence of Ora's brand, showcasing its vibrant textures and colors in a digital realm. By embodying the brand's meticulous craftsmanship and immersive experience, the website serves as a personalized hub for customers to explore and purchase Ora's offerings. Throughout the site, subtle interactions such as hovers and scrolling animations enhance the user experience.
Imagery: Ora The Floral Agency
The design process, meticulously created in Figma, ensures a seamless visual journey. Development was tailored to Shopify, leveraging Liquid language to create a bespoke template. Each page features versatile modules, fostering dynamic engagement. Finally, extensive integrations with plugins and external tools enrich the website's functionality and appeal.